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Our Principles

The privacy of your personal data is important to us. We are committed to providing you with a safe, secure and trustworthy experience while using our website and receiving information from us.

Our Privacy Principles and What They Mean For You

  • Transparency

Our aim is for users to understand what information the Anglo-Portuguese Society collects and how it impacts you.

Our aim is to explain the information that we collect from you and what we plan on doing with it. Where we use techniques that gather information without your direct input, we will let you and all users know and provide options as to how to limit this collection.

  • Accessibility and Corrections

It is essential that we hold accurate information about you to create and guarantee a seamless experience.  

We will provide mechanisms where we can to give you access to information related to your membership or contact preferences. We want our members and users to be able to easily correct that information if it is incorrect or out of date.

  • Data Protection

As a Member and user you trust us with your personal information and expect us to protect and use it appropriately.

We use data management software that incorporates internationally recognised security practices and accreditation to allow for an efficient personal data management and end in destruction of information where is ceases to be required or consented to.

  • Accountability

We take our commitment to privacy seriously and hold ourselves to a high standard.

Our data management software Wild Apricot takes into account legal requirements and we ensure ongoing monitoring to guarantee a trusted experience when interacting with our website.

  • Choices

We know that control over personal information is important.

We give you real and realistic choices about what information you share with us and how it is used, and provide visibility into those choices and how they can be updated.

  • Sharing Restrictions

We restrict the sharing of personal information within the Executive Committee, and will only share the necessary details when organising an event to comply with venue security protocols providing you with visibility of such circumstances and what information would be share, and your choice of the extent of the information shared.

The Anglo-Portuguese Society is  a registered Charity

in England and Wales (No. 313589)

© The Anglo-Portuguese Society,  2021. All rights reserved.


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